Big Time DBNO Explained
In Big Time, having your health depleted to zero doesn’t mean it’s the end of the line. This introduces the “Big Time DBNO” (Down But Not Out) state, offering players a last-chance revival mechanism. During DBNO, players aren’t entirely defeated but are incapacitated, relying on teammates for a revival before the countdown expires. Here’s how to navigate the DBNO realm:
ReviVal modes:
- Manual Revival: Press and hold the “E” key next to a downed player.
- Quantum Fixer’s Aid: A team member with this role can use their special revive ability.
- Adrenaline Potion: Consuming this potion near a DBNO player initiates revival.
- Revive Shrine Activation: Downed players can crawl to these shrines for a potential comeback.
Post-Revival Options:
On successful revival, both the savior and the recovered player are granted a short-lived immunity shield. Engaging in combat or using skills will negate this shield immediately.
Alternative Revival OPtions:
If the regular revival process is compromised, there are backup strategies:
- Activate a nearby revive shrine.
- Use a resurrection potion.
- Secure a resurrection orb within the Elemental Monitor Boss Room.
Tactical Shift to 'Death Mode'
When in DBNO, pressing “G” initiates a tactical death mode. This is especially useful near revive shrines, allowing a quick reset and revival without the prolonged manual revival process.
With the Big Time DBNO system, the game gives players multiple layers of survival and strategic choices, emphasizing teamwork and quick decision-making.
DBNO Skills
In the adrenaline-packed world of Big Time, every moment counts, especially when you’re on the verge of defeat. Being “Down But Not Out” (DBNO) doesn’t necessarily mean the end for you or your team. In fact, with the introduction of DBNO skills, even in your most vulnerable state, you can still swing the tide of battle in your team’s favor.
When you find yourself grounded but not completely out of the fight, these unique abilities can be your last line of defense and a lifeline for your teammates. Here’s a quick overview of some DBNO skills

DBNO Knockback
When you are DBNO in Big Time, knock enemies back and deal a small amount of damage. Only available while you are Down But Not Out (DBNO).
Where to find it
Included on all Pocket Watches.

DBNO Bubble Shield
When you are DBNO in Big Time, cast a bubble shield to protect nearby party members.
DBNO Knockback Level 1
Where to find it
Included on all Pocket Watches.

DBNO Sacrifice Revival
When you are DBNO in Big Time, die a glorious death that revives any DBNO party members near you. You do die in the process though.
DBNO Knockback Level 4
Where to find it
Included on all Pocket Watches.

DBNO sacrifice Explosion
When you are DBNO in Big Time, die a glorious death that deals damage to nearby foes. You do die in the process though.
DBNO Knockback Level 1
Where to find it
Included on all Pocket Watches.

DBNO Reviver Protection
When you are DBNO in Big Time, cast a protection aura for the reviver.
DBNO Knockback Level 1
Where to find it
Included on all Pocket Watches.

DBNO Heal Others Nearby
When you are DBNO in Big Time, heal party members around you as they hopefully rush to revive you.
DBNO Knockback Level 1
Where to find it
Included on all Pocket Watches.

DBNO Shroud
When you are DBNO in Big Time, shroud party members with invisibility.
DBNO Knockback Level 1
Where to find it
Included on all Pocket Watches.