Barbarian Shout
A must have for every Time Warrior. Sends a shockwave emanating from the warrior dealing damage and stunning nearby enemies. The stunning aspects of this ability only work on targets within 10 levels of your level.
Good Against

Scales with
Pocket Watch Level 2
Where to find it
Included on all Time Warrior Pocket Watches
Equipping the Helm of Shouting gives you an extra Barbarian Shout ability. You can save Skill Points and still have nonstop Barbarian Shout in an adventure depending on your Cooldown Percentages.

Barbarian Shout – Bleed
With this skill at max level, it adds a bleed ailment stack to the targets affected by the shout. Each level of the skill will also increase mitigation.

Path of Fury I, Barbarian Shout Level 5
Where to find it
Included on all Time Warrior Pocket Watches
Barbarian Shout Bleed is a nice to have, but not a game changer.

Barbarian Shout – Cripple
With this skill at max level, it has a chance to add a cripple ailment stack to the targets affected by the shout. Each level of the skill will also increase Mitigation.

Path of Fury V, Barbarian Shout Level 10
Where to find it
Included on all Time Warrior Pocket Watches
Barbarian Shout Cripple is a nice to have, but since it requires Path of Fury V it is out of reach until you reach Level 45.