Healing Aura
Toggleable aura (active as long as you can afford the energy cost) heals friendlies within the radius of the aura with a pulse of healing that is temporarily active even if they leave the aura.

Path of Healing I, Light Heal Level 3 or Path of Healing III
Where to find it
Included on all Quantum Fixer Pocket Watches
Doesn’t heal yourself

Healing Aura – Aura Resist
With this skill at max level, when the healing aura is active you now resist damage from auras. Each level also increases Vitality.

Path of Healing II, Healing Aura Level 5
Where to find it
Included on all Quantum Fixer Pocket Watches
If only it allowed your allies to resist as well

Healing Aura – Reduce Aggro
With this skill at max level, healing aura now generates less threat to mobs. Each level also increases Mitigation.

Path of Healing II, Healing Aura Level 5
Where to find it
Included on all Quantum Fixer Pocket Watches
Not worth it